As HR managers look ahead this year, they will most certainly see the overwhelming trend is technology. Whether it’s establishing a social media policy or determining whether to issue company mobile phones, it’s a lot to keep up with. Workforce, a website and magazine focused on the HR industry, has released a new white paper from TalentWise on HR trends for 2014. We offer up a few of the highlights and invite you share your ideas on what’s hot and what’s not in HR this year.
Top trends include:
Mobile and the case for constant connectivity. HR managers have to determine whether they are going to issue company smartphones, compensate employees who use their own personal devices for business and how to communicate with customers and other audiences in this ever-growing mobile world.
Videos are gold. Think about it: would you rather read about a cat doing something funny or watch a cat doing something funny? Videos can be a great way to share employee information – from safety presentations to company updates. Need some inspiration? Look at how Virgin America transformed the snooze-fest safety announcements normally delivered before a flight. This fun new music video version will guarantee passengers put down their Kindles and pay attention.
Expanding social media. Instead of banning Facebook from the office, more companies are looking at how social tools can boost productivity and enhance employee communications.
So what’s on the way out in 2014?
Traditional job boards. Recruiters are turning to social networks as well as niche job boards to find talented candidates for their job openings.
The typical 9 to 5 workday. Granted this concept has been on its way out for the last few years but, as this white paper predicts, 2014 will be the year companies officially put this concept in the ground. For a vast majority of businesses, flexibility makes sense on many levels – employees see it as a benefit and can craft their work day based on the times they are most productive while also fitting in the school carpool or a trip to the gym. Workers also appreciate not being forced to sit in rush-hour traffic each morning, sweating they won’t be able to punch the proverbial time clock at 9 a.m. on the nose.
The annual performance review is being replaced by a constant loop of feedback – whether through text messages, email surveys or mentoring programs that offer more than just a once-a-year, formal meeting with the big boss.