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5 Benefits of Temp to Hire Jobs

June 3, 2019 | Career Blog

If you are job hunting, you have probably noticed that temp-to-hire jobs are booming. Employers want to try out their new employees and see if the fit is right. This might make you feel a little insecure applying for them, but there are actually some great perks on your end, too!

You shouldn’t shy away from posts that say temp-to-hire, because often times such positions turn into bigger and better things. In this article, we are going to address just that, as well as how to get your foot in the door and pull off the interview that lands you the job.

Pursuing The Potential

Yes, there is always the possibility that the temp job won’t end exactly the way you plan. This does not mean that there are not other benefits to the position, or that you should not at least give it a shot. The potential is always there. And if you truly are going to build upon a career, you should really consider the potential in each opportunity that comes your way.

A few extra perks to taking on a temp-to-hire position are:

Exposure. Here is a great opportunity to get yourself more integrated with the industry you’re interested in. You will also get a taste of different office environments and industries so that you can really evaluate where you are most comfortable. If this one doesn’t work out, at least you will be that more focused on what you are looking for in your next endeavor.

Networking. No matter what the industry, you will find that every company prefers to hire someone connected to someone they already know. The more that you can meet people within the industry you’re interested in, the more good references and interview opportunities you will accrue.

Enhanced Skills and Resume. Each temp job will teach you something new, such as software programs and even social interaction. This will give you something more to add to your resume, and provide more flexibility for the types of jobs you can apply to in the future.

Flexibility. An undeniable benefit to a temp job is that you can get some downtime in between gigs. If you plan it out accordingly, you can begin to apply for the next job when your current one is ending and choose to take little breaks or vacations to allow you to recharge. If you are working with a staffing agency, just make sure to communicate with them. Don’t take too long of breaks, just some time for yourself to breathe.

Full-time Potential. If you really like your current temp position, the real hope is that the company will like you just as much and want to hire you permanently. If this is the case, you are coming in way ahead of any new employee. You will be confident in the job and already know that you like the team that you will be working with on a daily basis. In other words, you get to try out the company just as much as they are able to try you out! Once they make that full-time offer to you, you will know if this is a position you truly want to commit to for the long-term.

We Know All About Temp Work

The majority of people looking for temp work will use the assistance of a staffing agency. Allegiance Staffing helps individuals explore the different options for temp work, with the goal to eventually find permanent work, if you so choose. For more information on how we can help you navigate the work of a temp-to-hire, reach out to us today!

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