These Risk Management Errors Are Making You Looking Silly
July 1, 2015 | Staffing Blog
As a staffing agency, your job is to make the client money. If you send them a worker that costs them money, then it could ultimately end up costing you money or prestige. That is why risk management is so essential when it comes to making decisions about the personnel you bring on board. The blog The Horton Group says this about employee screening:
If an employee misrepresents his or her credentials or makes errors that cost the client money, your agency could be held liable. That is why it is imperative that you thoroughly screen all potential employees during the hiring process. Although background checks do present some costs, they are an invaluable risk management tool.
When looking for an employee, here are two elements you should consider.
1) Identity Verification
It’s pretty simple; you need to be absolutely sure the employee is who he says he is.
2) Verify Their Skill Set
There are a lot of people who prevaricate on their resumes. Sometimes it is a big lie. Sometimes it is a small lie. However, if the lie ends up costing your client money, then you could be liable. That is why savvy agencies do a complete test of their employees to make sure their skills are where they say they are. It is vital to remember this information will make it easier for you to match the right employee with the right client as well.
Contact us if you would like to learn even more about risk management.